2010年8月2日 星期一


1. Chien Kuo High School Marching Band - Taiwan 92.58 Gold Honours
2. Fanfarra Municipal Atibaia - Brasil 90.94 Gold Honour
3. Fanfarenzug Potsdam - Germany 90.71 Gold Honours
4. Fanfarenzug Strausberg - Germany 87.81 Gold
5. Roskilde Garden - Denmark 86.72 Gold
6. Jakarnboon Marching Band - Thailand 85.53 Gold
比賽部份在此地的17:30結束,而後各隊出場尬音樂,頒了一些獎,約19:20公布show band的成績。雖然大家都認為孩子們今天的表現非常好,但還是等到大會宣布冠軍是ckmb時大家才敢跳起來。之後又是一些講話,然後退場再尬一次音樂、晚餐、摸黑打包裝箱,到柏林的飯店已經是23:30 (註:今天孩子們05:30早起)。要特別感謝駐德代表處,每天都來探班。今天更是提供兩張票讓我們可以照相、錄影,結束後魏大使再到用餐處嘉勉同學並轉達總統、副總統的賀電。


2 則留言:

  1. Excellent! You make the history again. At some point of time in the kids' future lives, the moments at Potsdam will definitely be popping up and make them smile. You create unforgettable memories together.
    Thank coaches for teaching kids the value of teamwork, as well as rules and disciplines in a group. These are more significant than the ranking.
    Thank parents for the updates, photos and vedios. My sincere gratitude to you all!

